Here is the Challenge: First man or woman to climb 1oo,000 feet wins. Pippo has skinned up biggie 6 times @2,200ft/time giving him 13,200 ft so far. I've done Teton Pass 4 times @ 1,200ft/time, Snowking 2 times @1,550ft/time, and the randonnee race at Targhee @5000ft giving me 12,9000 ft. I think we should include the cycling house crew and all their trips up Mt. Lemon. I would like to keep cycling a separate category from running, skinning, hiking, but if you have a way to document elevation gain with a powertap or GPS on a ride by all means include it in the cycling category. The deadline in April 1st. I think this is a very achievable goal and many will probably surpass it. Everything is on the honor system, don't be a lame ass and pad your numbers. If you need a way to measure elevation gain on a run or ski I'm sure we all know a couple of dorks who own those fancy watches. My guess is Brice and Ice start running Jumbo in the mornings and Pippo goes ski crazy and crushes Biggie five days a week. Horan will hike jumbo once, Joel will continue with his 20 minute runs and Shaun and Toby will climb 30K on nordic this winter. I'll be lucky to see 100K by April. As for the cycling house crew, we could see some big numbers from them. Parsens and Mulfield are in a different group because I bet they have already put in 100K this winter, but I want to know their total numbers. Send your numbers to me and if this gets big enough we might have to start a continuously updated vertical chart.
Ski,Hike,Run Category
Pippo 13.2K
Dale 12.9K
Cycling Category
TCH Crew?