I must say I was a bit skeptical when Adam gave me the book "Good calories, Bad calories." Hold your thoughts until you read Adam's overview. This book will change the way you live. Below in all his writing majesty I present Adam Jensen's new lease on life:So, first of all, I don't drink coffee, I don't agree with wasting hours of the day, sitting and talking about what you could be doing,instead of actually doing it, I don't like blogs, and I used to not like fat people because I thought they were lazy. My view has drastically changed recently (about fat people, not coffee or blogs)to sympathizing with their ignorance, and to the hatred of the government, education system and companies that lie to us, and businesses that profit off it – like fast food and coffee shops. That said, I owe the discovery of the book to old man Shryock. I'm just more persistently persuasive, or annoying, depending on who you ask,at pushing my ideas on people. Not trying to convince people to change anything here, just want people to be aware of what you, society,politics, and mega-corporations are doing to the health of yourself and everyone else on the planet. Since the 50's, when government, the FDA and the American Heart Association, began vigorously promoting lowfat, high carb diets, for a plethora of idealistic and, at the time,common sense reasons, to improve Americas health, thing have gotten massively worse. Each decade, more and more are not only overweight,but obese, suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, high LDLand VLDL cholesterol, diabetes, endocrine cancers, dementia,depression, Alzheimer's, and several other supposedly diet manageable or "genetic" diseases – as if we're recently evolving to express genes during the past 100 years we've been carrying for millions of years.Why then are we still following the same guidelines, which have been ambiguously "proven" for 100 years, to the point that the NIH just granted another $200 million to prove low fat, high carb diets will cause weight loss? If things were so clear, why are we still studyingwhy low fat diets aren't working? Unfortunately, since the powers that be, have chosen yet again, to fund the wrong studies, asking the wrong questions, due to pride, ego and political issues, or heavy corporate and pharmaceutical influence, seeking to clarify the low fat theory, in the mean time, assuming it is correct, while the right questions are assumed to be incorrect without even asking.Who has the most to lose? Big business, Coca-Cola, General Mills,GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, etc. Sound frighteningly like the tobacco industry? These companies know humans are addictable, and are successfully capitalizing off that little weakness. Food industries spend billions on advertising and research on maximizing taste vs.minimizing production costs, not what is beneficial to humans.Cheapest way to make something taste good, add sugar, or even cheaper,high fructose corn syrup. Pharmaceutical industry's billions of profit depends on people being unhealthy. Instead of researching how to prevent disease, it's more profitable to keep people sick,dependant on drugs. I saw a cartoon once, of a kid walking with his father by a huge factory kicking out sky filling plumes of smoke.After the son asked what the factory was for, his father explained that it was to make the little pills they have to take every morning,so they can breath the toxic smoke that fills the air… See the connection? WTF?Being immersed in oral health for the last 3 years, my obvious question is, although we are one of the most evolutionarily sophisticated beings, why would something that is apparently sobeneficial to your heart and brain so destructive to your teeth?Research has conclusively shown that acid-producing bacteria cause carious decay in teeth, only when fed fermentable carbohydrates, most notably sucrose. Sucrose, a.k.a. table sugar, is now being consumed by a typical American at 150 lbs. a year, versus 10 lbs/year 200 years ago. Why? Because we are led to believe that the only way to behealthy is to read labels, and avoid high fat foods. Look on cereal boxes, most say ADA or FDA or AHA approved to lower heart disease, or this product is a heart healthy choice. "Take the Special K challenge," eat massive amounts of carbohydrates, and still be hungry after an hour. Sweet. Point being, your body is smarter than you,and by dissolving your teeth away, it's trying to protect the vitalorgans that you are unknowingly damaging, causing high blood pressure,GI cancers, insulin resistance and obesity, from the insulin response instigated by those carbs. Ever asked why 90% of people at the gymare overweight? You think these people are there to justify overeating chunks of lard and trans fats? No, they see themselves gaining weight, so in addition to eating less fat and more carbohydrates, they workout, making themselves more hungry, feeding themselves with more"health" carbohydrates, and still getting bigger. I'm not saying carbs and exercise aren't good. Obviously fueling, refueling, and recovering with carbs during and after intense exercise is necessary.Why don't the bad side effects of eating sugar happen to elite athletes? Unlike when we are inactive, the way our body is incredibly designed, the working muscle does not need insulin to move sugar out of the blood into the cell. The problem develops when we eat mostly carbs while sedentary the remainder of the day, while in school, at the office, driving, or at home.Random thought, if fat is so fattening, and carbs are so good, then why do people get so fat drinking malt sugar filled beer? Ever thought that the starchy, high glycemic potatoes in French fries might be the problem, not the salt and oil? What about the unrefined flourin hamburger buns instead of the cheese and red meet? Or pizza crust and not the pepperoni and sausage? Or the example the writer uses,the toast and not the butter?Pippo pointed out that our ancestors lived to eat. Our only function in life was to find food, and reproduce of course. Thousands of years later, now that life is more modern and comfortable, we are obsessed with spending as little as possible on food, and as much as possible on cars, houses and toys. Crap thing is, after a while, we're sounhealthy, due to our innocent ignorance, that we can't even enjoy all those excess amenities.Last thought: why are herbivores like elephants and hippos so fat, and carnivores, like lions and tigers, so lean and fit, when both seem tolay around most of the day?I'm not trying to convince anyone to change anything, or even be persuaded by anything I wrote. I just want people to be aware thatthere is a book out there, backed by thousands of research papers,that will change your perspective about many things that influence your and everyone else's lives, and challenge you to educate yourself,in hopes to improve your quality of life - and prolong the life of your teeth. Come on, you knew as part of my growing responsibility of a soon to be dentist I had to throw that in.
Adam Jensen